
Throughout the four years I attended high school I worked on the yearbook. It required diligent work throughout the year. I spent time during breaks between classes, as well as outside of and after school, working hard to meet the deadlines in order to complete the book on time.

My freshman year I mainly helped to take photos, do interviews of students, write articles and attend events happnening on and off campus. The second year I worked on the book, we had a new teacher take the role of yearbook teacher and I was one of a small number of students who had taken the class prior and knew what needed to be done and how. I spent a good portion of that year learning photoshop and indesign in order to help create page layouts and various graphics. I also still did many of the same things I did my first year, as well as taught how to perform those duties to the new students working on the yearbook. For the third year I took on the role of Editor-In-Chief of the yearbook. I spent a lot of time creating graphics and layouts as well as teaching the other students how to perform their jobs which, I had done before, as well as checking the quality of work in order to keep things consistent throughout the book.

The final year that I was apart of the yearbook we had another new teacher. During that year I had to spend a lot more time working on the book in order to help our new teacher understand what needed to be done and see that all of our deadlines be met. For the last two years I also created the cover of the book and helped choose the book’s theme.

Essentially I made four yearbooks, which was quite tough at times. I struggled with time management throughout the years but learned to complete deadlines on time and to use what time I did have wisely.